Portable Potluck's 3 Corner Cake

Sabrina Brown from Caldwell, Idaho shares the story behind her grandmother’s beloved “3 corner cake” recipe.

“My grandma often walked in her sleep and found things to eat during the night without always remembering in the morning. One day, for my Uncle Jeff’s birthday, she baked a chocolate cake the night before the party and stored it in the refrigerator Yep. You guessed it. Grandma got up in the night and had a corner piece of the cake. When she saw what happened the next morning, she quickly filled the hole with whipped cream. No one was the wiser at the party until she started laughing and confessed her midnight snack. My grandma was quite a character!  We all loved her very much.”

Portable Potluck recipes are well-loved by those who submit them, but not always tested by Edible Idaho.

November 29, 2018


  • 1 box German Chocolate cake mix
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 3/4 jar caramel ice cream topping
  • 1 container Cool Whip


Bake one box of German Chocolate cake mix according to package directions. When the cake is done, grease a wooden spoon handle and poke holes all over the cake. (I liked this part of baking.) Take one can of sweetened condensed milk and pour over top of the holes. Then pour 3/4 of a jar of caramel ice cream topping over the cake. (Aw, why not use all of it?) Cover the top of the cake with Cool Whip and refrigerate overnight. (This regfrigeration overnight is very important for any nocturnal feeders. It allows forage that can be un-noticed by filling in missing part of cake with additional Cool Whip, hence the name "3 corner or perhads "3/4 Cake.")

We've tried variations of this, using chocolate cake mix and hot fudge topping, white cake mix and strawberry topping, and next... maybe yellow cake mix and pineapple topping? All laden with fat and calories, it is so VERY VERY YUMMY!


  • 1 box German Chocolate cake mix
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 3/4 jar caramel ice cream topping
  • 1 container Cool Whip