Mountain View Community Bike Ride

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Mountain View Community Bike Ride

Join fellow bicycle riders for the Mountain View Community Bike Ride at 5 p.m., Saturday, July 28.  Meet at the Moscow Food Co-op at 121 East Fifth Street in Moscow, beginning at 3:30 p.m. for bicycle safety checks and information on the ways riding a bike can save money.  The ride is co-sponsored with Palouse Bicycle Collective and the Bicycle Benefits program

To register online, visit the Moscow Food Co-op’s Facebook page and click on “Events.” Registration is optional, but the $5 registration fee includes a Bicycle Benefits program sticker for discounts the Moscow Food Co-op, BookPeople of Moscow, One World Cafe, Slice & Biscuit, Kula Yoga & Tea and other area businesses. The first 50 people who register will also get a sweet surprise.

Events include:

3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Bicycle safety checks from the Palouse Bicycle Collective. Is your seat too high? Do you need more air in your tires? Are your brakes working properly? Show up early and be sure your bike is street ready.

4:30 p.m. Packet pick up and Bicycle Benefits information.  Founder, Ian Klepetar will be on hand to tell you about Bicycle Benefits and how you can save money every day riding your bike.

5:00 p.m. Bike ride. Decorate your rig, wear a costume, attach a drum or sound system to your bike and be ready to roll at 5 pm sharp!

Date: July 28, 2018 7:45 PM

Location: Moscow Food Co-op | 121 East Fifth Street, Moscow, ID 83843

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121 East Fifth Street
Moscow, ID 83843